This is too frequently a tactic used in politics, business, commerce, and in the health care industry to create doubt about a product or service, even a person’s best intentions. Last week, we discussed how science experiments utilize both positive and negative controls. We pointed out how process indicators used to monitor both cleaning and sterilization efficacy also serve to alert us to failures that then need to be investigated...
A few times a month, I hear from a sales rep or a user about a failed wash indicator. It must be the indicator…can’t be our process and equipment. NO WAY!!! No one wants to learn that something is out of sync. This is especially troublesome when another indicator passes and our Case Soil indicator shows residue on the coupon, a failure...
Loaners play an important role in the modern healthcare system. Instrument sets are very expensive, and a healthcare facility doesn’t always have the budget to purchase them outright. This is especially true for highly specialized instrument sets, that aren’t often used but are still expensive to purchase...
Before the advent of computers, everything was done on paper; there was simply no other choice. Computers were supposed to change that, with their interconnectivity and programs like Microsoft Office that allowed users to write and send documents digitally. However, the opposite proved to be true...
The Digital Revolution, also known as the Third Industrial Revolution, refers to the advancement of technology from analog electronics and mechanical devices to the digital technology available today...
The use of adhesives and stickers on containers and medical devices has become a potential problem. Issues with residue on devices have led to a surge in citations from The Joint Commission for facilities not properly removing adhesive labels and the associated residue...
The beginning of the year means a complete inventory count so we can calculate our various taxes and see what our stock levels are. Our inventory is pretty big, so this is an all-hands operation. Production is completely stopped, employees are grouped into teams, and they go into our shelving to count everything that is there...
At Case Medical, we believe in science, innovation, safer chemical usage, and better patient outcomes. Just the other day, we came across this article in the NY Times that demonstrates how unique our planet is and how lucky we are to exist in the vast universe...
If you look at a calendar and think, “Aw, it’s not even Christmas week yet. I’ve got plenty of time to shop,” you’re not alone. A new survey finds that 74% of consumers plan to do some last-minute shopping this year and 57% expect to do exactly that when it comes to buying gift cards...