Hydrogen Peroxide Wipe Technical Bulletin:

Case Medical recently alerted you to the overuse of alkaline wipes for cleaning Sterilization containers and medical devices. Now we understand that highly acidic wipes are also being used:


CAUTION: We have become concerned about the overuse of hydrogen peroxide wipes without rinsing after use and cleaning before use. Utilizing hydrogen peroxide wipes for processing, cleaning, medical devices is not only an off-label application, but can result in degradation of equipment, failed sterilization cycles, and can potentially harm patients when chemical agents remain on device surfaces.Ā  Do not use these chemicals or alkaline or acidic cleaners on SteriTite containers.


CONTAINER INTENDED USE: Case Medical SteriTite containers are designed for sterilization, transport, protection and storage of medical devices and instrumentation. SteriTite containers are passivated with an anodized coating that prevents corrosion and treated with a durable surface seal that ensures that the SteriTite container can be successfully used for terminal sterilization in both Steam and Chemical Sterilizers, e.g. vaporized hydrogen peroxide, per parameters defined in the IFU.


AFFECT OF DISINFECTANTS ON DEVICE SURFACES: Hydrogen peroxide wipes are not intended to be used for cleaning medical devices such as container systems. While they may be cleared by the U.S. EPA for disinfection, they are not to be used for cleaning medical devices, especially Sterilization containers or any device manufactured from anodized aluminum. Medical devices require washing and rinsing before sterilization and disinfection. Hydrogen peroxide wipes may have a pH of 2.7, which will destroy the anodized coating of the container compromising its performance and rendering the device corroded and limiting its useful life. Compromising the anodized coating or passive layer of the container can interfere with sterilization. These are a direct result of chemicals compromising the container surface and not a design deficiency of the SteriTite system.


READ THE IFU OF THE DEVICE AND THE SDS OF THE CHEMICAL AGENT: Medical Devices, such as Case Medicalā€™s SteriTite container system, should be cleaned with pH Neutral detergents or enzymatic cleaners and not be treated with any additional chemicals (alcohol/disinfectants, lubricants, drying agents). The SteriTite IFU clearly states that pH neutral detergents followed by a thorough rinse and subsequent drying is all that is required for cleaning the device in preparation for sterilization. Review the SDS of your disinfectants and wipes to better understand the intended use.Ā 


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Case Medical at [email protected] if you have any questions. Our IFU can be found on our website and accessed by our IFU web app to read the 2D barcode on our container. Case Medical has single use wipes with certified cleaning agents. While Case Medical highly recommends rinsing under the flow of water after washing, we provide a rinse wipe as an alternative to remove retained soil and detergent residues when rinsing is not easily available...

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