
A container that fits like a glove.
Loaner instrumentation sets are inevitable at most facilities across the nation. These sets present challenges to sterile processing departments — for example, not having enough time to reprocess or having to review new cleaning or sterilization steps prior to surgery. Worse, it is a statistical probability that a facility will have at least one tray with a tear in the wrapper that will delay a surgical procedure, interrupt the OR schedule, and impact the facility’s bottom line.
Additionally, many facilities still wrap these sets, because they have no other readily available option. Case Medical has been manufacturing DIN-sized containers that are ideally suited for DIN-sized graphics trays. Not only can we manufacture the entire system, our SteriTite container is designed specifically for “loaner” drop-ins. Case Medical provides a durable sealed container system that is universally compatible, designed to have the most interior space in the smallest footprint, is validated for compatibility with all devices and sterilizers per manufacturers’ IFU, and is designed to be drier than any container on the market for safe storage and handling. Furthermore, our container has FDA 510k and CE mark for containment of multi-level tray systems, mixed loads, and for specialty devices, such as flexible endoscopes, power equipment, and robotic devices.

Eliminate the loaner set challenges
With Case Medical’s SteriTite containers, you can drop your loaner sets into our universally validated DIN-sized containers to avoid costly reprocessing, delays, and increase turnaround time.
In fact, ST77 Annex A clearly identifies a decision tree where manufacturers and users can use a critical assessment tool and common sense to transition formerly wrapped trays to a validated SteriTite container. Our team of clinical and product specialists are always available to help evaluate and assist in your sterilization and infection control process.