Over 30 years ago when plastic trays became the fashion for custom graphics trays, Case Medical introduced some too, only to discover that plastic sterilization trays simply make no sense. Even now they are promoted in IFUs and in subtle ways with sterilizer weight restrictions to drive business their way. ...
I’ve heard and been concerned about ever present PFAS, but it wasn’t until I got an environmentally induced condition requiring surgery, and learned how my dog’s flea and tick repellent included PFAS that I realized that it must be in this week’s blog.
There is a very important principle when it comes to operations, process and sterilization outcome called parametric release. What this means is that when all parameters are set and equipment properly functioning, the outcome will always be positive and predictable...
Do you worry about what goes into your body; what chemicals might be going into your children? The list keeps growing and now there are “Forever Chemicals” that never break down and go away, in fact, these compounds may take hundreds, or even thousands, of years to break down...