Over 30 years ago when plastic trays became the fashion for custom graphics trays, Case Medical introduced some too, only to discover that plastic sterilization trays simply make no sense. Even now they are promoted in IFUs and in subtle ways with sterilizer weight restrictions to drive business their way. ...
At Case Medical, we adhere to best practices and good ole common sense. Let’s understand why Case Medical is so concerned about wet loads in a sealed container that they found three, yes 3, ways to ensure that sets can be sterilized rapidly, safely, and according to standards even in an emergency...
This is too frequently a tactic used in politics, business, commerce, and in the health care industry to create doubt about a product or service, even a person’s best intentions. Last week, we discussed how science experiments utilize both positive and negative controls. We pointed out how process indicators used to monitor both cleaning and sterilization efficacy also serve to alert us to failures that then need to be investigated...
Are we alone in the universe?
We may find the answer in the next decade or two relying on clues which science provides to help us find the way. This includes balancing what we understand about our planet and recognizing what we know are the critical elements for life.
Next month, the launch of the Webb telescope might give us the means to discover whether we find another earth out there, a Planet B. The search for Planet B is complicated. Nevertheless we know that even in its most extreme conditions, life is carbon based, liquid water is the solvent for biochemistry, and DNA is the code for genetic information. The building blocks for life, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are found abundantly in the universe. So what does this have to do with Sterile Processing?