Everyone Says Their Container is The Best
There are so many descriptive adjectives vendors use to describe their products. Such as smart, best, organized, cost-effective, speedy, powerhouse, no wrap, filter-less, and universal. Even though we use descriptive terms like these when we describe or champion our SteriTite container, we understand that words are meaningless unless you have the science to back it up. That is why Case Medical has validated our SteriTite containers for nearly three decades under worse case scenarios following the overkill principle to prove that it truly works. Now, when we say that our SteriTite container is the smartest, we mean that along with its universal compatibility it now features 2D barcodes with scanning technology to provide direct access to our e-IFU. It can do so much more to provide real time instructions and information.

Instant Access To The eIFU Directly From The SteriTite Container
Case Medical is dedicated to crafting and producing products that directly address the practical needs of healthcare environments. All Case Medical SteriTite Universal Containers come with a laser marked 2D barcode on the container’s latch. Now, the barcode can be scanned with any hand held device, including a mobile phone or tablet, to instantly display the container’s eIFU in 37 languages. The barcode also holds the container’s UDI which includes the date of manufacture, lot number, and GTIN number. Our barcode system conforms to the standards set by GS1.
Compatibility With CaseTrak360®
The UDI that is built into the barcode was designed to be used with Case Medical’s CaseTrak360 software. The UDI or the unique barcode on the external ID plaque can also be used to access set information, including pictures of instruments, the assembled tray, and content sheet, without having to open the container. This provides easy access to critical information about the set without having to open the container in sterilization, staging, inventory and wherever needed.

Use 2D Barcodes To Go Paperless
Digital technology including 2D barcodes can instantly access set information. Count sheets, assembly instructions, QC checks, usage reports, and more. This will reduce the workload allowing for faster turn around, more efficient department operations, and reduce errors at an affordable cost. Should the auditors come to your facility, records can be effortlessly accessed with a button press. What more can we say? SteriTite has become not only universally compatible, but smarter with CaseTrak360 integration. To sign onto our CaseTrak360 Blog, Click Here, for the latest in digital technology.
Visit us anytime at www.casemed.com to learn more about our products and services. We are here to help. Case Medical is a U.S. EPA SAFER CHOICE Partner or the Year for Manufacturer Formulator and recognized in NJ as Innovative Manufacturer of the Year.
Kindest Regards,