Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements. Continuous improvement is an ongoing process of analyzing performance, identifying opportunities, making incremental changes and continuing to grow...

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Life's way too short to waste time on things you'd rather say “no” to. It's like a train on a tight schedule in the blink of an eye it'll pass you by. Case Medical’s thirty years in health care has been pretty remarkable, given economic ups and downs, supply chain challenges, two floods, a pandemic, and sometimes competitive gaslighting. With that said, Case Medical remains resilient, forward looking, and optimistic.

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Have you ever noticed as you’re waiting to board a flight that the pilot will do a walk around of the plane. He’ll look at the front wheels, walk underneath and shine a flashlight into an open compartment, take a moment to inspect the fuel connection and then the wings. The pre-flight checklist is done so the pilot knows the plane is safe to fly it's one of the reasons flying is so safe.

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Monday, 12 September 2022 11:38

Is Education Really Power? In A Word... YES

Education lays the groundwork needed to feel confident in our abilities and helps us find our passions in life. If you think back to when you’re just learning a new task it can seem quite overwhelming. Thirty years ago, when Case Medical was just getting started making our first trays seemed almost impossible, but we kept at it...

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Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters. Funny how the common sense things we do at home can translate into best practices on the job. Take for example the dirty dishes after breakfast, dried on egg yolk can be tough as heck to wash off by hand, let alone expecting the dishwasher to clean it. So, at home we rinse the dishes before they go into the dishwasher. The same holds true when it comes to pre-cleaning medical devices like endoscopes with many passages to clean inside and out...

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There is a very important principle when it comes to operations, process and sterilization outcome called parametric release. What this means is that when all parameters are set and equipment properly functioning, the outcome will always be positive and predictable...

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Do you worry about what goes into your body; what chemicals might be going into your children? The list keeps growing and now there are “Forever Chemicals” that never break down and go away, in fact, these compounds may take hundreds, or even thousands, of years to break down...

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Sustainability is a topic that continues to gain attention in light of climate change and as a healthcare goal. Healthcare can both contribute to the problem and can be at the forefront of change. This week’s blog is a preview of our educational program scheduled for this Thursday. In fact if US healthcare were a nation, it would rank 13th in the world for greenhouse gas emissions? Yet many facilities are developing sustainability programs and discovering how even small changes can have big results. If you want to learn more about this critical subject...


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