As discussed last week, the healthcare industry contributes to solid waste production, greenhouse gasses, and climate change. While a true statement, the news is that there are also ways that healthcare can reduce the impact it has on the environment, while reducing costs. Rigid reusable sealed sterilization containers are one of the best options for reducing hospital waste. Nevertheless, not all containers are created equal.
Sustainability is a topic that continues to gain attention in light of climate change and as a healthcare goal. Healthcare can both contribute to the problem and can be at the forefront of change. This week’s blog is a preview of our educational program scheduled for this Thursday. In fact if US healthcare were a nation, it would rank 13th in the world for greenhouse gas emissions? Yet many facilities are developing sustainability programs and discovering how even small changes can have big results. If you want to learn more about this critical subject...
Celebrate your best Thanksgiving ever!
Remember the Thanksgiving story you learned in school — how, way back when, Pilgrims and Indians got together at one giant dinner table and ate turkey and stuffing and green beans covered in Campbell's mushroom soup? And then there was peace on Earth?
Actually, it was the Wampanoag in 1621 who helped the first wave of Puritans arriving on our shores, showing them how to plant crops, forage for wild foods and basically survive.
Are we alone in the universe?
We may find the answer in the next decade or two relying on clues which science provides to help us find the way. This includes balancing what we understand about our planet and recognizing what we know are the critical elements for life.
Next month, the launch of the Webb telescope might give us the means to discover whether we find another earth out there, a Planet B. The search for Planet B is complicated. Nevertheless we know that even in its most extreme conditions, life is carbon based, liquid water is the solvent for biochemistry, and DNA is the code for genetic information. The building blocks for life, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are found abundantly in the universe. So what does this have to do with Sterile Processing?