Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:05

A Wrinkle in Time…

The world has probably changed more in the last few weeks than it has in the last two years during the pandemic. While we all want to be hopeful for peace in Europe, and a return to normalcy as the incidence of COVID 19 declines, world events just keep moving in the opposite direction. So, what to do? “Plan for the worst and hope for the best” is the strategy of the day. While for Case Medical, our perforated bottom rigid reusable containers remain the universal choice, it may be time to consider the advantage of solid bottom containers for pre-vacuum steam sterilization, for Stryker’s SteriZone low temp sterilizer, and certainly for transport of used items…

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Just when it looks like we’ve passed the peak of the COVID19 Omicron variant and the pandemic is giving everyone a break, conflict breaks out in Europe making global oil supply uncertain. Will the Chinese use this moment to make advances on its claims to Taiwan? Who knows, but it’s pretty much certain that when chaos reigns global supply chains and production will stay in disarray.

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