Does the idea of the conservation of energy make you think of the gas mileage your car gets, or putting on a sweater during the winter, or the low-power LED light bulbs that make you think you’re going blind...
We are so pleased to be selected as a 2024 EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year for manufacturer/formulator. Our partnership with the EPA extends more than a decade promoting safer, and sustainable instrument chemistries...
If you're curious about how cleaning products work or why cleaning of medical devices is considered the critical first step in the decontamination process, you've come to the right place. We’ve studied the science of cleaning and are pleased to share with you what we learned over the last thirty years, as a U.S. EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year, in independent laboratory studies, and in our micro lab....
This weekend we learned of an assassination attempt on former President Trump. Some of us saw it on TV in real time. I do not agree with Trump’s politics, yet I am very sad for him and for all of us.
Over the past month or two, we’ve learned that several facilities and health care systems have standardized on using germicides, environmental wipes, that EPA consider pesticides for cleaning our containers and other medical devices. Most of these disinfectant wipes are carriers for highly caustic solutions with pH >11 or composed of quaternary compounds considered hazardous to human health. And they are not rinsed off!...
I spent this past weekend watching a Netflix serial about the Innocence Project. A dedicated team of investigators and lawyers work to exonerate individuals who have been wrongly convicted, through the use of DNA testing. Did you know that people have blind spots? Of course we do. What is meaningful to one person can be disturbing to another...
The news cycle has been dominated by headlines that are talking about AI and it’s potential to reshape the way we live and work. What many people don’t realize is that we have been developing and using machine learning tools at Case Medical long before it was popularized in the news cycle...
What’s going on? Off label use of germicides without rinsing, damaged and pitted medical devices, and stripped sterilization containers with white powder residue... I’ve had an opportunity to visit several health care facilities and hopefully provide some ideas for improvement of process and product. ...
At Case Medical, we adhere to best practices and good ole common sense. Let’s understand why Case Medical is so concerned about wet loads in a sealed container that they found three, yes 3, ways to ensure that sets can be sterilized rapidly, safely, and according to standards even in an emergency...
This is too frequently a tactic used in politics, business, commerce, and in the health care industry to create doubt about a product or service, even a person’s best intentions. Last week, we discussed how science experiments utilize both positive and negative controls. We pointed out how process indicators used to monitor both cleaning and sterilization efficacy also serve to alert us to failures that then need to be investigated...