Wednesday, 28 February 2024 17:43

Compromised Sterile Barrier

At Case Medical, we adhere to best practices and good ole common sense. Let’s understand why Case Medical is so concerned about wet loads in a sealed container that they found three, yes 3, ways to ensure that sets can be sterilized rapidly, safely, and according to standards even in an emergency...

Published in News
Monday, 24 October 2022 15:38

It's All About the Rinse

Let’s talk about rinsing, whether its dishes, your hair, salad fixings or medical devices. Doesn’t sound all that glamorous does it? Right up there with taking out the trash and many other chores that need to be done. That’s why they’re called chores after all. Truth is rinsing is really, really important, and yet is often overlooked or simply not done well enough because it takes time...

Published in News
Tuesday, 18 October 2022 09:00

Avoid Failed Cycles with a Little Science

There's a lot to be learned from food science that can be applied to reprocessing medical devices. For example, you should never put meat into a cold pan before cooking, because the meat and even the oil will then stick and burn. Rather pre-heat your cookware before putting anything in it. The same principle of pre-heating holds true for sterilization, if you want to ensure a good outcome...

Published in News
Tuesday, 16 November 2021 17:05

How Hospitals Can Help To Save The Planet

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