T’was the night before surgery
And all through SPD every set was in blue wrap as far as the eye could see.
The peel packs were sorted for surgery with care,
In hopes that the surgeon soon would be there.
The SPD staff were busy as can be,
Dreaming of SteriTite containers on order you see.
Replace all the blue wrap with a rigid container so cool,
And gather up savings like nobody’s fool.
When out in the SPD there arose such a clatter,
I had to go look and see what’s the matter.
Away to Prep and Pack I flew,
To find a Case Medical sales rep giving a demo or two.
About the benefits of customizing... over the wrap and the pack,
Imagine the savings from doing just that.
Then to my amazement appeared a 2D barcode on the container so cool,
Just made for a tracking software tool.

CaseTrak360® must be a dream, a figment in my head
I was stunned and amazed, that such could be out on the web,
But there it was in my cozy SPD, just waiting for me.
So, I fired it up and scanned my first item,
From prep and pack to sterile storage and more,
I could see that this software is great to the core.
Down to the SPD Case Solutions came with a bound.
Safer Choice certified, the only cleaners to be found,
So much better than others at removing the yuck,
I truly could not believe my good luck.
So, if its bioburden with which you must deal,
Case Solutions and SuperNova will have great appeal.
They’re free rinsing, less harmful to reindeer or mouse,
So why not get them for all in your house?

All kidding aside
What we mean to say
Case Medical is here for you
Each and every day.
Happy Holidays
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa
Best wishes from Marcia Frieze and the Case Medical team
Contact us now to learn more about our sustainable products. [email protected]
Join us in the new year, January 19, 2023 at 11:00AM ET when our educational programs resume with a new topic: "The Battle Against Planned Obsolescence in Healthcare Settings"