In Pursuit of Clean
This article in Reader’s Digest “8 Secret Ingredients You Should Be Adding to Your Laundry” is an inspiration. Right from the first statement “Don't toss in a laundry pod and think you're done." When you take a moment to unpack the premise that any detergent will do, it makes a lot of sense not just for laundry at home, but for reprocessing contaminated devices in SPD, too. Life in the SPD is complicated, but your cleaning regimen doesn’t have to be, nor does your detergent need to be.
Nonionic Boosters
You do not need an endless amount of cleaning agents, when one or two will do. Recently, we had a conversation with colleagues in the U.K. where use of high alkaline detergents is not just the norm, it’s mandated. The belief is that high alkaline detergents are most effective in removing organic soils and protein, but they are highly corrosive to metals and most surgical devices. Unlike chemical-based alkaline and acidic cleaners, detergent solutions with nonionic surfactants are neutral. They are highly compatible with all materials including surgical devices and equipment. That is why we use them to formulate our instrument chemistries. We learned from experience that our anodized aluminum trays and containers were more effectively cleaned and the surface integrity remained intact by avoiding the use of alkaline cleaners completely. Nonionic surfactants are very good at emulsifying oils and are better than anionic surfactants at removing organic soils. Certain nonionic surfactants are non-foaming or low foaming. This makes them a good choice as an ingredient in low-foaming detergents for automated washers.

Enzymes, over-achieving boosters
Enzymes are proteins, catalysts that speed reactions and break down organic material, which is why they're so effective at decontaminating medical devices. One of the great things about multi-enzymatic cleaners is that they can be used for a variety of different applications. Whether you're pre-treating at point of use, cleaning manually at the sink, or using an automated washer disinfector, these cleaners can get the job done. Enzymes are environmentally friendly, making them a great eco-friendly option. That is why when Case Medical developed its line of instrument chemistries our goal was to be faster acting, efficient, environmentally preferred, low foaming for automated cleaning, free rinsing, safer for disposal into the wastewater stream, and most importantly, safer for you and for your patients.
Less is more
In fact, you don’t need eight boosters when a simple formula using a handful of Safer Choice ingredients can do everything you need. We learned that more is not better and extreme pH can do more harm than good. That is why we at Case Medical only offer multi-enzymatic and non-enzymatic instrument chemistries which are available ready to use and highly concentrated. Keep it simple, fewer SKUs, super concentrated for cost savings, and ease of use, a formula for success. Our validated, sustainable instrument chemistries can save time and money. Case Medical’s chemistries are all dye free, fragrance free, and with no masking agents. Why pay more for ingredients that are not needed. Our crystal-clear solutions will not hide bioburden or soil. They actively remove them from all surfaces. Don't take our word for it. Our validations, U.S. EPA Safer Choice Partnership, and product certification is proof. All Case Solutions and SuperNova cleaners are independently validated for effectiveness and safety, reviewed by toxicologists associated with the Environmental Protection Agency, and proudly display the U.S. EPA Safer Choice label.

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Marcia Frieze and the Case Medical team