We all use wipes at home and at work, and many of us assume that they are flushable. In fact, many brands simply state “Flushable” on the label. Disposable wipes are made for baby care, hand washing, feminine and other personal cleansing, and for makeup removal. In healthcare facilities, wipes are used to apply caustic chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and even medical devices. Please do not use them on our SteriTite containers.

Published in News
Thursday, 22 December 2022 10:00

2022 The Year That Was and 2023 The Year Ahead

2022 was full of milestones for us here at Case Medical. Let’s start with our 30th anniversary, the company has come a long way from our beginnings as an ortho tray maker. And do you know we have you to thank, all of our great customers, without you we would never have achieved so much. THANK YOU for supporting us...

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