Wednesday, 27 December 2023 17:36

Our Best Wishes For A Happy And Healthy New Year

2023 was full of achievements for us here at Case Medical...

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Thursday, 22 December 2022 10:00

2022 The Year That Was and 2023 The Year Ahead

2022 was full of milestones for us here at Case Medical. Let’s start with our 30th anniversary, the company has come a long way from our beginnings as an ortho tray maker. And do you know we have you to thank, all of our great customers, without you we would never have achieved so much. THANK YOU for supporting us...

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Today, Case Medical received a gift from the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) just in time for the New Year. We have participated in CFP's surveys before, but this past year we went beyond even our expectations with a score of 93.67 out of a possible 103 points. We were one of only seven companies to exceed the 80 point threshold.

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There is a very important principle when it comes to operations, process and sterilization outcome called parametric release. What this means is that when all parameters are set and equipment properly functioning, the outcome will always be positive and predictable...

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Do you worry about what goes into your body; what chemicals might be going into your children? The list keeps growing and now there are “Forever Chemicals” that never break down and go away, in fact, these compounds may take hundreds, or even thousands, of years to break down...

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