Tuesday, 21 November 2023 13:30

Wishing You a Great 2023 Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for making lasting memories with loved ones, enjoying a delectable Thanksgiving menu of roasted turkey with scrumptious sides, and expressing an abundance of gratitude for the blessings we've received throughout the year. Each year at Case Medical, we have a Thanksgiving feast...

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A container is a rigid reusable packaging system that is validated to maintain sterility until it is used. In the past, we never heard of white powder, cancelled STERRAD cycles, or even massive surface discoloration. And no, we do not agree that white powder is okay nor that you can continue to use a container with surface degradation...

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At Case Medical we create innovative products that can meet your needs for instrument processing, asset management, sterilization, organization, and transport. We solve problems you identify by developing products to meet your needs...

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Residue is material that remains after cleaning, like grease left over on a frying pan. It can also be a liquid residue that’s left over at the bottom of a bottle, pot, or can, and even moisture remaining at the base of a sterilization container or tray after sterilization. When it comes to removal of moisture in a container or sterilized tray this is easy to fix...

Published in News
Monday, 16 October 2023 17:47

The Recipe for An Easy Audit

Recently, the FDA conducted a surprise audit of Case Medical. The FDA has the right to do this whenever they want, to any FDA regulated facility, and give no notice beforehand. While conducting the audit, the FDA may ask for any information that they want, from whatever date they want, and it is up to the organization being audited to produce that information to show they are in compliance with FDA regulations...

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This week is Sterile Processing Week during which we celebrate the committed specialists that fill Sterile Processing departments and make a difference in patient care. And where we at Case Medical continue to develop only the safest, quality products for instrument processing and celebrate the profession in one of the most meaningful ways through quality continuing education...

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Did you know that in 2009 the U.S. Congress created the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, which set aside $27 billion for an incentive program to encourage hospitals to adopt electronic health records systems (EHR). That’s right the Federal government is paying doctors and hospitals to setup and use electronic health records systems...

Published in News
Tuesday, 28 February 2023 12:35

Knock-on effects... And why should you care

We’re talking about risk analysis, the process we go through before deciding on a given action. Whether its diet soda or donuts we'll do a casual risk analysis in our head. Example, someone is sharing a dozen donuts, do you want one? YES! Do you need the extra calories, fats, sugar, etc. NO! The heck with it, YOLO!...

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Wednesday, 22 February 2023 10:00

Plastic Pollution

The world is producing a record amount of single-use plastic waste, mostly made from polymers created from fossil fuels, despite global efforts to reduce plastic pollution and carbon emissions, according to a new report. While governments around the world have announced policies to reduce the volume of single-use plastic...

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Tuesday, 22 November 2022 16:59

Wishing You a Great 2022 Thanksgiving

Celebrate your best Thanksgiving ever!

Remember the Thanksgiving story you learned in school — how, way back when, Pilgrims and Indians got together at one giant dinner table and ate turkey and stuffing and green beans covered in Campbell's mushroom soup? And then there was peace on Earth?

Actually,  it was the Wampanoag in 1621 who helped the first wave of Puritans arriving on our shores, showing them how to plant crops, forage for wild foods and basically survive.


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