Last week, I introduced you to a novel solution and process for infection prevention for devices potentially exposed to TSE (infectious prion proteins). While Case Medical spent a decade discovering how enzymatic cleaners can do more than remove soil from contaminated devices, controlling the variables is just as important as...
The central role of the Sterile Processing Department (SPD) is to decontaminate surgical instruments for patient care procedures. By carefully following cleaning and sterilization protocols for used devices, the SPD plays a critical role in infection prevention. However, not all infectious agents are created equal.
According to OSHA, hazardous chemicals are prevalent in Central Sterile Supply (SPD). Examples include concentrated liquids with extreme pH levels, sterilization liquids and gases, plasma vapors, and other disinfecting liquids and aerosols...
According to OSHA, hazardous chemicals are prevalent in Central Sterile Supply (SPD). Examples include concentrated liquids with extreme pH levels, sterilization liquids and gases, plasma vapors, and other disinfecting liquids and aerosols...
To synchronize your supply chain, communication, collaboration and coordination are important habits to get used to. I’ve gotten dependent on Amazon to deliver staples like cat and dog food, kitty litter, paper towels and toilet paper. I am sure that many of you use Amazon or other online services as well to maintain control over your supplies...
In many ways, the sterile processing department is very similar to a manufacturing facility, like Case Medical. We produce products, follow standard operating procedures, without necessarily taking a hard look at how we can minimize steps and reduce waste...
Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements. Continuous improvement is an ongoing process of analyzing performance, identifying opportunities, making incremental changes and continuing to grow...
When budgets are tight, people sometimes look for quick fixes to save on immediate costs. Unfortunately, they will end up being sorry if what looks like a less expensive product costs more in the long run...
Every day seems to bring a new natural disaster or calamity, wildfires burning up New Mexico, western reservoirs drained to their lowest levels ever, extreme weather, flooding and landslides around the globe, can it get any worse? In a word, YES, yes it can if we don’t also stop poisoning ourselves with chemicals and products toxic to both humans and the environment.
Gels can preserve tissue and bioburden under a tough to remove clear coating. Jurassic Park, the book and movie was based on the notion that mosquitos were so well persevered in amber that dinosaur DNA could be recovered after millions of years. Well, pre-cleaning gels work much the same way, after a short time a sticky skin forms on the gel, trapping the debris beneath and becoming virtually impervious to cleaning. Enter the pre-cleaning gel, easy to use, and convenient, made to prevent soil from drying onto used instruments; is it wet or just an illusion?