In light of climate change, the pandemic, and water quality issues, sustainability and safer chemical usage has become a healthcare focus. Healthcare can both contribute to the problem and can be at the forefront of change. Are you aware that most cleaners, disinfectants, and germicidal wipes contain chemicals of concern that may threaten patients, the environment, and even give you a headache or worse?

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Do you know what’s hiding in your tap water? Is it hard, soft, iron rich, or smelly like rotten eggs? How does water quality affect cleaning chemistries, and what can be done about it? And how can high purity water contribute to more effective cleaning? Certainly, water is important for the final rinse, but what about in the formulation of the cleaning agent itself and in the cleaning stages of instrument processing?...

Published in News
Monday, 17 January 2022 13:41

The Soap Opera Continues...

Last week’s episode ended with a cliffhanger, we promised more on the critical parameters for detergent selection, sustainability, and the science of cleaning, how instrument chemistries are formulated for safety and effectiveness, and which cycles are best for automated cleaning.

Published in News
Monday, 10 January 2022 11:28

The Soap Opera

Daytime TV serials are often called “soap operas” because laundry and dish detergent manufacturers have long been sponsors. The “opera” part is full of drama, passion, a plot where pressure is applied to force a decision, one which the victim was sorry to have agreed to in the first place. Just as “soap operas” use persuasive words, exaggerated statements, and even threats, to cancel out sound judgment or scientific principles...

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Cleaning is the critical first step that can make or break the efficacy of instrument reprocessing. Yet, we’re reminded again and again of the ways cleaning can go off the rails. Today we’re sharing a true story of the SPD, with a side-by-side comparison that demonstrates the concept of “Caveat emptor,” also known as “Let the buyer beware.”...

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While some would say that all instrument cleaners are more or less the same, in reality the products you choose can be as different as using a mallet or a brush to uncover ancient pottery...

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