The way we live and work has changed forever
The Digital Revolution, also known as the Third Industrial Revolution, refers to the advancement of technology from analog electronics and mechanical devices to the digital technology available today. The era started during the late 20th century and is still going strong. During that time, Case Medical worked with our colleagues in healthcare to transition from wrap-able trays to rigid reusable containers, from alkaline detergents to pH neutral enzymatic cleaners, and from pen and paper to digital records and asset management software.
In last week’s blog, we discussed the many concerns about waste, residue, and citations when adhesive labels for identification and for instrument tracking software are applied to medical devices. What if Case Medical can provide permanent barcodes directly to our containers and trays and to your critical devices. Now, we have a sustainable option, that saves time, creates efficiencies, reduces waste, lowers the carbon footprint, saves money, and importantly, addresses the problem of sticky residue, an environmental contamination.
Reusable Packaging is designed to be used multiple times
Such packaging offers durability, ease of use, and ease of cleaning. When you use Case Medical’s SteriTite container system you not only have a durable reusable container, that is anodized and passivated for corrosion resistance, but one that can reduce inventory, is ideal for standardization, and more efficient to process as it results in a dry load of instruments in 8 minutes or less. Consider the time saved when you do not need to wrap, inspect for holes in wrappers, nor maintain an inventory of single use wrap or duplicate containers for various sterilization modalities

Revolutionizing instrument processing with a universal container and digital technology
In addition to all the CNC equipment in our manufacturing plant, we have several laser markers that can apply permanent barcodes to containers and trays and on reusable metal plaques for product identification and tracking. If you have our SteriTite container, you can already access the IFU with a simple scan. Instead of sticky labels, you can request that a 1D barcode be added to our ID plaque along with the text to integrate with your current software. Let’s save the best for last, when you acquire or switch to CaseTrak360, Case Medical’s proprietary software, now you have the utmost in technology: a universal container system, ideal for standardization and cloud-based software to access digital information, view the contents of the inner tray with a simple scan, and access our digital inspection software for quality control. Technology is advancing rapidly, and Case Medical is here to respond to your needs with innovative technology and product development.
Visit us anytime at www.casemed.com to learn more about our products and services. We are here to help.
Kindest Regards,