Spring is here and with it a time of renewal. The time for spring cleaning is at hand, however, it’s become apparent that limiting exposure to various chemicals, toxins and pollutants is also important. We’ve learned much about the detrimental effects various chemicals have on our health. Many cleaning products marketed as “green,” “natural” or “eco-friendly” actually contain chemicals that are known carcinogens, endocrine-disruptors or lung and skin irritants. For instance, awareness around the negative reproductive and development effects of BPA (bisphenol A) in plastics and other unregulated chemicals like phthalates is growing, there is still a lot of work to be done to make sure that our health is protected.
What weighs more? A pound of feathers or a pound of bricks? Answer: Neither they both weigh a pound. Okay, here’s another, what weighs more a gallon of water or a gallon of butane? Read on for the answer...
It is late October, a time when apples are pressed into cider, leaves turn to vibrant autumn colors and Halloween horror movies scare and thrill audiences. While the names of monsters, ghosts and ghouls in these movies change, there are some recurring themes that are common to all of them including dangers lurking in hidden places, unexpected twists, secret weapons and of course, sequels. In a horror movie starring SPD professionals ...
Let’s talk about rinsing, whether its dishes, your hair, salad fixings or medical devices. Doesn’t sound all that glamorous does it? Right up there with taking out the trash and many other chores that need to be done. That’s why they’re called chores after all. Truth is rinsing is really, really important, and yet is often overlooked or simply not done well enough because it takes time...
There's a lot to be learned from food science that can be applied to reprocessing medical devices. For example, you should never put meat into a cold pan before cooking, because the meat and even the oil will then stick and burn. Rather pre-heat your cookware before putting anything in it. The same principle of pre-heating holds true for sterilization, if you want to ensure a good outcome...
Thank You! Case Medical would like to take a moment to thank every Sterile Processing professional for the heart and soul you put into your work each day. With your tireless dedication, patients can count on you to keep them safe during a medical procedure with clean, properly processed sterile instruments. With your unwavering adherence to industry...
Traditionally, women were trained to be teachers, nurses, members of the helping profession, supporting their male leaders. Then things changed during WWII when Rosie the Riveter was called by our country in crisis to contribute to manufacturing necessary equipment when our male population went to war...
Seems that there is more than enough to worry over these days, global warming and drought, extreme weather and wildfires, the Covid-19 pandemic, now Monkey pox and Polio in the wastewater. In Europe rivers are drying up and becoming impassable, here at home reservoirs are almost empty. And all around the world drought-stricken land is...
Rigid reusable container systems are designed for a long useful life. That is why they are a good investment. We know of containers that have been in continuous use for more than 15 years, but nothing lasts forever. With common sense care and handling you too can get maximum longevity from your containers.
A quick look into sterile storage can be a real eye opener. Do you see shelf after shelf with instrument sets and medical devices all in blue wrap? Do you have a container system that is turning colors, easily dents, and is often out for repair? Choosing a rigid re-usable container system can pay for itself, if it is durable, repair free, sustainable by design, and universally compatible with devices and sterilization modalities.