Three positive environmental changes emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic
Deadline approaching to comply with DO NOT FLUSH laws
In past blogs we discussed fatbergs, clogged drains, and sewerage systems blocked by clumps of wet wipes, baby and personal care wipes, that were labeled flushable but were far from it. Washington was the first state in the U.S. with a wipes law! Washington's law, passed in 2020, requires that non-flushable wipes be labeled with a clear “Do Not Flush” logo. Legislation enacted by California, Illinois, Oregon, and Washington requires labels for disposable wipes to contain specific symbols and statements to clearly indicate they are not flushable. The intent of such legislation is to help consumers easily identify the difference between flushable and non-flushable wipes, ultimately protecting water quality and public wastewater systems. According to the U.S. EPA, non-flushable wipes can potentially clog toilets, create sewer backups, and significantly damage pipes and wastewater treatment equipment. https://srcconsultants.com/upcoming-deadline-to-comply-with-state-requirements-for-disposable-wipes/ And, states have established penalties for non-compliance.

Label Requirements
A “wipe” is defined in the regulations as a woven or non-woven shop towel, rag, pad, or swab made of wood pulp, fabric, cotton, polyester blends, or other material. As for labeling, wipes packages now must include a universal “do not flush” symbol — a circle with a line through it — over a graphic of a person putting a wipe in a toilet. The words “do not flush” must also feature prominently on the product’s display panel. A small percentage of wipes are still allowed to be labeled as “flushable,” because they are made with short, natural fibers designed to degrade as easily as toilet paper. https://www.vcpublicworks.org/2022/11/19/eco-tip-flushable-wipes-not-really-a-state-law-clarifies-labeling/ The statement “Do Not Flush” must appear in high contrast on a specific location of the label based on packaging type.
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