As a subscriber to Case Medical’s weekly blog...
You know that we’ve been preparing to host a live online event, “Sustainable Cleaning Chemistries for a Healthier World”, happening today, February 23, 2022 at 3-5:00pm EST.
Now we’d like to introduce to you the panelists who have so generously volunteered to share their time and knowledge with us all. Each panelist brings experience and perspective from a variety of vantage points, from healthcare, industry, regulatory, sustainabily, and toxicology.Meet the Panelists

The Organizer who has worked tirelessly to create this event.
Marcia Frieze, MS is CEO of Case Medical, and a US EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year. Ms. Frieze is a lifelong advocate for safer, more sustainable practices in healthcare, has invented and developed numerous products for cleaning and sterilization.

Our Moderator who will keep us on task and submit your questions to the panel.

John Ullman, BS, MBA is the Safer Chemicals and Procurement Director at Health Care Without Harm advocating for his two passions: sustainability and public health. John has been in the sustainability field for over a decade, most recently at Harvard University’s Office for Sustainability, and has worked as a cancer researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Case Medical has made safer cleaning chemistries a corporate mission, the company is recognized by the EPA for its outstanding achievement in the manufacture and formulation of chemical solutions that are equal to or better than products in their class and proven safer for people and for the environment. With this program, geared to healthcare professionals, Case Medical and partners shine a light on hazardous chemicals quietly concealed in ordinary cleaning products, which can result in a wide range of illnesses, from headache and nausea to asthma attacks and COPD.
Hope you will join us for the “Sustainable Cleaning Chemistries for a Healthier World” conference and develop a deeper commitment to building a safer, sustainable future.

Visit us at to learn more about our products and how they can help your facility lighten its impact on the environment for the good of us all.
Marcia Frieze and the Case Medical team