To synchronize your supply chain, communication, collaboration and coordination are important habits to get used to. I’ve gotten dependent on Amazon to deliver staples like cat and dog food, kitty litter, paper towels and toilet paper. I am sure that many of you use Amazon or other online services as well to maintain control over your supplies...
In many ways, the sterile processing department is very similar to a manufacturing facility, like Case Medical. We produce products, follow standard operating procedures, without necessarily taking a hard look at how we can minimize steps and reduce waste...
Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements. Continuous improvement is an ongoing process of analyzing performance, identifying opportunities, making incremental changes and continuing to grow...
We all know the bedtime story about Chicken Little, who was hit on the head with an acorn and went on to create a panic thinking that the sky was falling...
There are 54 billion bacterial cells on a single cubic centimeter of the average kitchen sponge. They are breeding grounds for all types of germs and bacteria. A common sponge’s spatial partitioning – the way it’s divided into different sectors of various sizes with a porous absorbent surface – caters to bacteria that prefer isolated environments and those that prefer to be around other organisms as well, making it the best of both worlds for microbial communities...
Residue is material that remains after cleaning, like grease left over on a frying pan. It can also be a liquid residue that’s left over at the bottom of a bottle, pot, or can, and even moisture remaining at the base of a sterilization container or tray after sterilization. When it comes to removal of moisture in a container or sterilized tray this is easy to fix...
Recently, the FDA conducted a surprise audit of Case Medical. The FDA has the right to do this whenever they want, to any FDA regulated facility, and give no notice beforehand. While conducting the audit, the FDA may ask for any information that they want, from whatever date they want, and it is up to the organization being audited to produce that information to show they are in compliance with FDA regulations...
This week is Sterile Processing Week during which we celebrate the committed specialists that fill Sterile Processing departments and make a difference in patient care. And where we at Case Medical continue to develop only the safest, quality products for instrument processing and celebrate the profession in one of the most meaningful ways through quality continuing education...
Management by walking around is a strategy where managers leave their desks and walk around the workplace to understand employees and their ongoing work better. You can learn a lot by just walking around your facility and paying attention to your environment. As a matter of fact, that’s often how we find ways to help you, our customers and develop products to meet your needs. One of our sales team was recounting that on a recent visit to an SPD he noticed the sad state of many of the department’s rigid containers. The containers were covered with tape and permanent marker scribbles. Needless to say, Case Solutions Ink & Adhesive Remover was the right product for the job. The broader point is that sometimes we become so used to our surroundings that we don’t see the obvious anymore. This is where we can help.
Hands-on-learning means learning by doing. Experiential learning environments provide endless hands-on learning benefits for children of all ages. Young children learn through meaningful hands-on experiences—through touching, doing, and moving. Research has shown that in fact people of all ages learn better when they are actively engaged in their learning journey.…