Once upon a time, Case Medical designed and manufactured custom graphics trays (loaners) for other medical device companies at a time when sterilization modalities were evolving. Users were advocating for a replacement for wrap to avoid tears, OR delays and cancelled cases. No one wanted to wrap anymore. But, was there any sealed container that could adapt to future needs?

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It’s been over thirty years since my husband, and I founded Case Medical. My husband loves renovation, but I prefer innovation. We have been challenged over the years with various moves and projects. Doing a home renovation is challenging enough, but imagine taking an existing structure and retrofitting it to become an advanced manufacturing facility, meeting the most current standards...

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Wednesday, 31 May 2023 09:24

Eyes wide open

Management by walking around is a strategy where managers leave their desks and walk around the workplace to understand employees and their ongoing work better. You can learn a lot by just walking around your facility and paying attention to your environment. As a matter of fact, that’s often how we find ways to help you, our customers and develop products to meet your needs. One of our sales team was recounting that on a recent visit to an SPD he noticed the sad state of many of the department’s rigid containers. The containers were covered with tape and permanent marker scribbles. Needless to say, Case Solutions Ink & Adhesive Remover was the right product for the job. The broader point is that sometimes we become so used to our surroundings that we don’t see the obvious anymore. This is where we can help.

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Tuesday, 25 April 2023 11:18

Clean Science

If you're curious about how cleaning products work or why cleaning of medical devices is considered the critical first step in the decontamination process, you've come to the right place. We’ve studied the science of cleaning and are pleased to share with you what we learned as a U.S. EPA Safer Choice Partner of the Year, in independent laboratory studies, in our micro lab, and with the USGS at their U.S. Wildlife Health Center in Madison, WI. 

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Tuesday, 18 April 2023 09:00

Supply Chain Challenges, continued...

Last week we shared our supply issue of getting 4 new rooftop air conditioning units, which were scheduled for arrival on April 6th then finding out from the manufacturer of the AC units that it would be 42 weeks, at the earliest, for the units we needed. 2023 is another year of unknowns, and healthcare must rally around this one constant: as Covid 19 wanes, there are rising expectations of a return to “normal”. It’s time to start planning for what’s next.

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Are you still experiencing supply chain issues? We are. That is why we stocked up on all the necessary supplies and raw materials we need to meet your needs for instrument processing. Nevertheless, what we learned, however, is that you cannot take anything for granted, such as obtaining necessary equipment or even air conditioning units, because they may not be available when you need them.

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In a hospital setting, drug resistant strains of bacteria are a growing problem. Staphylococcus is an especially opportunistic pathogen. When immunity is lowered, it can cause all types of infections. Most antibiotics, even the latest and greatest, are not effective against “super bugs”. Some staph infections no longer respond, or become resistant, to common antibiotics.

Published in News
Wednesday, 29 March 2023 13:34

Spring cleaning, a safer way

Spring is here and with it a time of renewal. The time for spring cleaning is at hand, however, it’s become apparent that limiting exposure to various chemicals, toxins and pollutants is also important. We’ve learned much about the detrimental effects various chemicals have on our health. Many cleaning products marketed as “green,” “natural” or “eco-friendly” actually contain chemicals that are known carcinogens, endocrine-disruptors or lung and skin irritants. For instance, awareness around the negative reproductive and development effects of BPA (bisphenol A) in plastics and other unregulated chemicals like phthalates is growing, there is still a lot of work to be done to make sure that our health is protected.

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Did you know that in 2009 the U.S. Congress created the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, which set aside $27 billion for an incentive program to encourage hospitals to adopt electronic health records systems (EHR). That’s right the Federal government is paying doctors and hospitals to setup and use electronic health records systems...

Published in News
Tuesday, 28 February 2023 12:35

Knock-on effects... And why should you care

We’re talking about risk analysis, the process we go through before deciding on a given action. Whether its diet soda or donuts we'll do a casual risk analysis in our head. Example, someone is sharing a dozen donuts, do you want one? YES! Do you need the extra calories, fats, sugar, etc. NO! The heck with it, YOLO!...

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