Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:05

A Wrinkle in Time…

The world has probably changed more in the last few weeks than it has in the last two years during the pandemic. While we all want to be hopeful for peace in Europe, and a return to normalcy as the incidence of COVID 19 declines, world events just keep moving in the opposite direction. So, what to do? “Plan for the worst and hope for the best” is the strategy of the day. While for Case Medical, our perforated bottom rigid reusable containers remain the universal choice, it may be time to consider the advantage of solid bottom containers for pre-vacuum steam sterilization, for Stryker’s SteriZone low temp sterilizer, and certainly for transport of used items…

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Just when it looks like we’ve passed the peak of the COVID19 Omicron variant and the pandemic is giving everyone a break, conflict breaks out in Europe making global oil supply uncertain. Will the Chinese use this moment to make advances on its claims to Taiwan? Who knows, but it’s pretty much certain that when chaos reigns global supply chains and production will stay in disarray.

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Rigid sterilization containers were first introduced in the USA in the early 1980s, but developed much earlier in different forms than we see today.  Since then, new technologies entered the marketplace in the form of new devices and new sterilization modalities. Some of these advances present new sterilization challenges that were not considered earlier. With that being said, knowledge and caution need to be applied to integrate new devices and materials with any rigid reusable container.  Not all containers are created equal…

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Are we alone in the universe?

We may find the answer in the next decade or two relying on clues which science provides to help us find the way.  This includes balancing what we understand about our planet and recognizing what we know are the critical elements for life. 

Next month, the launch of the Webb telescope might give us the means to discover whether we find another earth out there, a Planet B.  The search for Planet B is complicated. Nevertheless we know that even in its most extreme conditions, life is carbon based, liquid water is the solvent for biochemistry, and DNA is the code for genetic information. The building blocks for life, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are found abundantly in the universe. So what does this have to do with Sterile Processing?


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Every year, we have greater appreciation of our place in the healthcare industry and more incentive to expand the impact of Case Medical’s corporate sustainability efforts....

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