To synchronize your supply chain, communication, collaboration and coordination are important habits to get used to. I’ve gotten dependent on Amazon to deliver staples like cat and dog food, kitty litter, paper towels and toilet paper. I am sure that many of you use Amazon or other online services as well to maintain control over your supplies...
In many ways, the sterile processing department is very similar to a manufacturing facility, like Case Medical. We produce products, follow standard operating procedures, without necessarily taking a hard look at how we can minimize steps and reduce waste...
Instrument processing is not a linear process. It is a circle that starts and ends with safe-to-use, complete, well organized instrument sets for surgical and patient care procedures....
Case Medical is committed to sustainability, in our manufacturing and our information practices. As a manufacturer of reusable devices, we learned that real-time information, about process and product, is critical for operations. Recently we developed a digital asset management and maintenance software program that has increased efficiencies, held staff accountable, and provided reports for managing our operations....
Managing chaos versus and preventing chaos—which would you rather do? You can’t always foresee or prevent disruption; however, if you do see trouble coming, making moves to proactively manage the situation is SMART and can prevent headaches....