06 Jul
Believe it or not many facilities are still wrapping instrument sets. A torn wrapped tray can be detrimental to the OR schedule and to patients. Recently, a customer informed us that a U.S. veteran was scheduled to have surgery. The patient commuted with his family several hours to the large metropolitan hospital where surgery was scheduled, taking time off work…
05 Jul
Tips to help you stay current for your professional career and personal growth. As a healthcare professional you’ve already made an investment of time and money into your career. Take a moment to reflect on your hard work and commitment, now congratulate yourself, you have accomplished a tremendous amount. But it doesn’t end there, according to CBSPD and HSPA, “the…
29 Jun
Ever wonder why there is so much stuff in your department? I just went through my closets and got rid of the plastic bags hiding the clothes I haven’t worn in years and shoes that have collected over decades. First, I don’t wear heels anymore and knowing my age it would be downright dangerous. There are many reasons why we…
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