21 Dec
Today, Case Medical received a gift from the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) just in time for the New Year. We have participated in CFP's surveys before, but this past year we went beyond even our expectations with a score of 93.67 out of a possible 103 points. We were one of only seven companies to exceed the 80 point threshold.
19 Dec
T’was the night before surgery... And all through the SPD every set was in blue wrap as far as the eye could see. The peel packs were sorted for surgery with care… In hopes that the surgeon soon would be there.
13 Dec
The Year Was 1924: The American car market was reaching its saturation point, when everyone who wanted and could afford a car had one. To deal with the problem of slowing sales of new cars an executive at General Motors came up with annual model-year design changes. The idea was to convince car owners to buy new cars every year,…


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