Thursday, 07 April 2022 09:00

Coping with a Wily and Agile Virus

Uncertainty is the thing that will keep you up at night. Parents know it well as they wait up for the kid who’s out past their promised return time. Farmers uncertain about the weather lose sleep over will there be too much rain or not enough. Consider your own uncertainty as you try to plan for your facility against a backdrop of pandemic, unexpected events, and a war in Europe.

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Does the idea of the conservation of energy make you think of the gas mileage your car gets, or putting on a sweater when you lower the heat in the house during winter, or maybe 60 watt LED light bulbs that make you think you’re going blind?

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Does your idea of natural order mean be able to nap on a quiet Sunday afternoon, or binge watch a new comedy series that just dropped? Well, those activities certainly do fall into the natural order things for time off from work, but that’s not where this blog is going. Instead let’s talk about chaos, disorder, perfect example, the mess that greets you Monday morning in the SPD.

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As a subscriber to Case Medical’s weekly blog, you know the we’ve been preparing to host a live online event, “Sustainable Cleaning Chemistries for a Healthier World”. Now we’d like to introduce to you the panelists who have so generously volunteered to share their time and knowledge with us all. Each panelist brings experience and perspective from a variety of vantage points.

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Wednesday, 16 February 2022 12:29

Education is a life long pursuit

The world is a fast-moving place, and keeping up, staying on top of things, being aware of all the thats going on around you, can seem impossible. There are the daily demands of work, the backlog of items which need attention before moving on to the next stage, or the hecticness of providing fresh, clean, and sterile items when a schedule changes.

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What you can count on to consistently provide best outcomes? All things being equal, washer/disinfectors are all very efficient. We all want clean dishes at home and decontaminated instruments in healthcare facilities.  In both scenarios, we want them done with the least amount of effort. That's why dishwashers are so prized in the kitchen and automated washers in decontam. But sometimes, they don't produce the best results.


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